Traditions that shape how we celebrate

What traditions do you practice? Have they been handed down or have you created some new ones for your family or friends?

crossToday, Good Friday, in the tradition handed down to me through my Christian heritage,  I have gathered at Church, some attending had walked ‘following the cross’, and we all reflected on the significance of Easter for our faith.

Also, we are nearing the end of forty days of Lent, another Christian (also Jewish) tradition. This year, I have reflected on a word each day, through Alive Now, using images. Today’s word, unsurprisingly, is ‘cross’.

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Birthdays are something most of us celebrate in one form or another. In our family, we generally have a cake (one of my daughters has now become the ‘cake maker’), gather over a meal and often there are a few gifts. Normal sorts of things. From time to time we do things on a bigger scale…  A 50th Celebration

Sometimes, at special birthdays, I have witnessed the giving of cards, speeches, many photos being taken to capture the event. It has been really neat when there has been the opportunity to present, or hand down, a piece of family history, a heirloom. Often there are visual presentations. Some enjoy relaxed, picnic style events. A particular style of dancing may be significant for some. Family orientated events will have a different feel to an adult only event. There are so many ways we can celebrate. It is awesome when the event reflects a little of ourselves. 

Happy Celebrating.



Traditions that shape how we celebrate
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