Our personal beliefs and traditions that have been passed down through our families are important in helping us connect with special events. This update expresses something of my faith which is an important part of how I celebrate Easter. Easter for me, is much more than Easter Egg Hunts and ‘just a holiday’.
In Christian tradition, Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday marks the beginnin of Holy Week. I always thought Palm Sunday & Passion Sunday were the same thing but, reading on the internet I discovered they are not, each as a different emphasis. Palm Sunday’s focus is on Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, while Passion Sunday is more about the suffering and aloneness of Jesus leading up to Resurrection Sunday. Regardless, what a week lay ahead that first Easter in the life a a man who has had a huge impact on history.
It begins with a triumphant entry where Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem. The biblical record also records disciples falling asleep when Jesus has asked them to watch a pray; Jesus washing the feet of his followers; what is known as ‘the Last Super’ or ‘1st communion; betrayal of a close friend; Jesus’ arrest, trial & death; despair – and lots more.
I found this site useful in helping me get info about Holy Week: http://www.crivoice.org/cyholyweek.html
I quote from there, “It is important to place the hope of the Resurrection, the promise of newness and life, against the background of death and endings… In observing this truth, that new beginnings come from endings, many people are able to draw a parable of their own lives and faith journey from the observances of Holy Week.”
I invite you to spend some time in contemplation this week on the darkness Jesus experiences as he found himself being judged by man. Balance that with the transformation of the resurrection and the power of the Gospel as God works in the lives of people even to this day.