To all the Dad’s our there – HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY
What ever the role you currently play as Dad, know that you influence your child(ren).
Far away, or with them everyday – Dad’s and their relationship with their children is part of what shapes them.
Think about the footprints you make. Tread carefully.
Not all Dad’s are Dad’s by birth and many Uncles, Grand-dads or close family male friends or a male leader from a club – this men can be father-like and important role models as we grow.
Absent Dad are not there for a variety of reasons: soometimes for good reason; sometimes not by choice; possibly some because they do not know they are a Dad; some because the no longer live close to grown up kids; and some Dads are absent even though ‘physically’ there.
Today I hold Fathers’ with love and I hope for connected-ness with their children.