A September Wedding

Summer is generally the high season for weddings but every time of year carries it’s own specialty. Spring and Autumn avoid the heat of summer and winter can be quite magical as well. 


I have just done a September wedding this year and two years ago, a sunny but windy day provided the backdrop to a wonderful celebration of my first Cambodian couple. 

First contact was through Kanika as Chanhoeum & Sonimol had very little English between and I had absolutely no Khmer. Rick Leng became the cheif interpreter for each of our meetings as we bought together a simple but beautiful ceremony.

On the day, Kanika stepped in as my interpreter to ensure everything was fully understood and, at the end of it all, Sonimol and Chanhoeum were definitely husband and wife.

A lovely Kiwi styled ceremony for a devoted Cambodian couple. Happy Anniversary.

Life Events are Worth Celebrating 

A September Wedding
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