Happy Anniversary

A year down the track and I reflect back on another of the fabulous occasions when I have had the privelege to officate at a wedding. This wedding held a special ‘keeness’ as the young bride had been a frequent visitor at our home when she was in her teens. During that time, her Mum and Step-Dad had got married and, although I had only met them a couple of times, it was lovely to meet them again and to see her young sister growing up. 

When I first Emily with her fiance, John they had a beautiful baby girl. A few months later and original plan changed a little as now they were expecting a baby boy. It was a delight to have both children with us as  Mum & Dad became husband & wife and this beautiful little family tied the knot.

Thank you John & Emily for trusting me with your ceremony, for catching me up a bit in the  case of Emily, and John for giving me some insight into your story and of course your journey together. Being able to meet Rylee & Alfie was a real treat.

As you continue to journey together, may the words of your vows ring true – making your family’s love and happiness be a priority sticking together when it seems effortless and when it is challenging for the rest of your lives. 

May your journey be a long one as you continue on with the love and support of your family and friends.

Many Blessings


Images used throughout predominately by Sarah Leanne Hansen

Happy Anniversary
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