With each passing month, for me, the pace seems to get faster each year, and I find myself falling a little behind. Here we are already well into week two of March and my blog isn’t up yet! So here we go…
Whether for a wedding or for another celebration, a ceremony can be given a real richness with the different elements we choose to include. It may be including something of tradition or ritual, introducing a theme, using technology to enhance/share our celebration or using symbolism to cause us to reflect, remember some of the story behind the event or honour significant people not present.
For a legal ceremony, the signing of documents is a crucial element which can be done publicly or as an ‘aside’ element. This is a necessary element but other elements which may include lighting and/or extinguishing candles, readings of poems, stories or other scripts, use of ‘favourite things’ be it colour, flowers – and many other things – any of these can just add something unique and particular for your special event.
I really love discovering elements to include that make ceremonies/celebrations special and that bring in an something of your story.
Special current running for a 20% discount for any ceremony completed before the end of June. Contact me on 027 66 357 44 or events@ClaireJones.co.nz
Let’s see what we can do…
Life Events are worth Celebrating