With Easter just around the corner, many will not be aware of the events of HOLY WEEK…This is part of the Christian tradition and is hugely significant in my faith. I hope you might gain something from by sharing something of this.
Holy Week is flagged by two amazing Sundays. Palm Sunday – a triumphant entry into Jerusalem where Jesus is welcomed and embraced; Resurrection Sunday, Jesus is alive and we discover the generous, amazing love of our God who welcomes and embraces us.
A lot happened in between these two incredible Sundays on that last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Each day could be a sermon, but a brief summary…
The Grand Entry…
In life, generally there are some real highs we experience. Jesus knew what lay ahead, even so, that first Palm Sunday, it must have been ‘a buzz’ to be so welcomed. He knew this ‘favour’ would not last – but he showed up anyway. That too is our responsibility in life, to show up, to live our lives and meet whatever comes our way along the journey.
Ordinary Days…
During Holy Week, there are no ‘religious services’ attached to Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. There are many days when we ‘just get on with whatever it is that needs doing’. Much of life is ordinary. However, even in these days, God is there ‘teaching in the Temple’. We may not always see it but, God journeys with us in the mundane, in the routine, and is part of the necessity of life.
Thursday comes…
…we generally remember this as ‘The Last Super’ – So much happens here: gathering of friends; a passover meal; a new commandment; acknowledgement of betrayal; washing of feet; giving new symbols of remembrance…
We are to celebrate life; friends are important; not all friends will stick with us and some will stab us in the back; we can be made clean; ritual and symbols help us to remember…
Good Friday
It is finished, Jesus dies.
So what of death – as events cause us to confront our own mortality, are we drawn to live more fully the life we have now? Search your heart and recognise things that need to change. Change can be likened to death. Assumptions, behaviors, prejudices, lies we’ve believed too long— if we can identify them and cause them to die, then we can bring in something new, something greater.
Good Friday takes us into darkness and helps us to discover what must die in order for us truly live.
Holy Saturday – The disciples are gathered in a room together…hiding for fear of being arrested themselves. Grieving for a friend. Probably in shock, stunned, as they tried to put together the pieces of the puzzle – all that Jesus has said to them; the events of the week; Judas’ betrayal; Jesus’ execution or murdger; all their hopes & expectations – dashed. What would happen next?
Ever had ‘no idea what’s going on’? There are days/times we walk in darkness. It is often helpful to share our distress with those we trust – especially those who have gone through a stressful event with us. Even when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, trust that the light will come….
…because Sunday/Easter does come – the stone is rolled away.
Each year, the Fairfield Churches do a combined service on Good Friday. Most of the photos above are from 2018’s drama that was head up by Fairfield Baptist. This year the service will be at St Aidan’s, Heaphy Tce, 10am, some will walk with the cross starting at 9:30am from Fairfield Baptist. St Aidan’s have organised the churches to set up ‘Stations of the Cross in Claudelands Park which will create an open ended reflection time and, as it will be in a public domain, may well draw in some folk who would not ordinarily reflect on the Christain story of Easter. You would be welcome to come and take some time with those that gather.
We journey life, through highs & lows and through the ordinary.
Blessings to you all
Life events are worth celebrating!