Renewal of Vows

There are many reasons a couple may choose to celebrate and reaffirm their love and commitment to each other by a vow renewal ceremony. Just like any celebration it may be a small or large scale celebration.  It is not a legal ceremony but a symbolic, sentifmental ceremony and can be done after any length of time after the wedding ceremony.

A strong marriageThe following is not exhaustive but covers some common reasons: 

  • Couple married in a different country/state/region and wanting to have another ceremony with friends in their regular

  • Style of original ceremony doesn’t fit with who they are now – original was non-religious and now they have strong beliefs, or vice versa.

  • Couple have gone through a particularly difficult period (a multitude of reasons might apply) and want to mark a new and positive ‘fresh start’.

  • A significant anniversary

It was so neat to celebrate with Rose & James last year in June when I had the privilege of  witnessing them say “I still do” when they celebrated 30 years married. A big congratulations to you both, now at 31 years.

Would LOVE to help you create a special event –   or   027 66 357 44.


“Life events are worth celebrating”

Renewal of Vows
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