In New Zealand we are officially in the first month of winter. Certainly here in the Waikato the temperatures have dropped significantly and the winter woollies have been bought out.
Personally, this winter I am excited as I settle into a new routine, I am venturing out in directions that I have been seeking for some time now. This winter feels a little bit like a beginning, rather than a hankering down or hibernation which is often the case.
I am wondering what sort of winter you are heading into…
- What can you prepare for?
- What do you need to let go of?
- Are there things you need work harder at?
- Is there new growth just under the surface? – that will give you the energy and tools you need to keep going.
- Maybe this winter, you need to find a safe, dry cave and simply sit it out.
- Who are your ‘key people’ to help inspire and encourage you?
- What are the things you do to de-stress?
Particularly if you are heading into a winter that feels challenging, think about something you can put on your calendar. Maybe a ‘Mid Winter Christmas Party’; a weekend away; if you have a birthday or other anniversary, perhaps that could be an excuse for a bit of a gathering; maybe you can make it a longer break.
Having something on the calendar that you are looking forward too can be helpful to get you through dull days. May there be some wonderfully bright days/nights for you this winter.
Life events are worth celebrating